COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
Update 19th July 2021
Due to the location's hotel being used for Covid 19 quarantine purposes until January 2022 we've had to postpone the following two events.
November 13th 2021 Northampton Cakeathon postponed until April 16th 2022
November 14th 2021 Northampton Chocathon postponed until April 17th 2022
Update 19th July 2021
With the July loosening of Covid rules we're able to return to more normal events - the latest guidelines can be read here.
Update 15th May 2021
With the May loosening of Covid rules we're able to return to slightly more normal events - the latest guidelines can be read here.
Update 29th March 2021
Events are back! Yay! We're hoping that the events as advertised on the home page will now be able to take place as planned. They'll be subject to social distancing guidelines (which you can read here) - but otherwise broadly as planned we hope, as ever, subject to the Covid rules changing... again!
Update 22nd February 2021
Following the "Roadmap out of Lockdown Announcement" today we've postponed the following events as below.
February 26th 2021 - Marathon Day Marathon postponed to February 26th 2022
February 27th 2021 - Olympic Run postponed to July 3rd 2021
February 28th 2021 - Flamingo Challenge postponed to July 4th 2021
March 6th 2021 - Vampire Challenge postponed to July 10th 2021
March 7th 2021 - Smileathon postponed to July 11th 2021
March 20th 2021 - Yorkshire Cakeathon postponed to October 9th 2021
March 21st 2021 - Yorkshire Cookiethon postponed to October 10th 2021
March 27th 2021 - Nutty Nuts Run postponed to March 26th 2022
March 28th 2021 - Crispathon postponed to March 27th 2022
We're hopeful that events from April 2021 onwards will be able to take place broadly as planned!
Update 15th February 2021
February 20th 2021 - Moonlight Challenge postponed to February 19th 2022
(We're waiting for the Feburary 22nd announcement to make a final call on events after this date)
Update 6th January 2021
Following the announcement of "Lockdown 3" on January 5th we're again having to postpone events and again have no date for when events can resume again.
January 16th 2021 - Chocathon Challenge postponed to January 15th 2022
January 17th 2021 - Yeti Yomp postponed to January 16th 2022
January 22nd 2021 - Saxons Challenge postponed to January 21st 2022
January 23rd 2021 - Vikings Challenge postponed to January 22nd 2022
January 24th 2021 - Normans Challenge postponed to January 23rd 2022
January 30th 2021 - Winter Ranscombe postponed to January 29th 2022
January 31st 2021 - Random Ranscombe postponed until January 30th 2022
February 13th 2021 - Carbon Challenge postponed until February 12th 2022
February 14th 2021 - Valentines Challenge postponed until February 13th 2022
Update 22nd December 2020
Following the December 20th changes we've had to postpone events again and at this point have no date for when events can resume again...
Usual Suspects - This isn't being specifically rearranged but you can run the event Virtually or swap the place to any 2021 event and earn the medal then. Just let us know at which event as and when.
December 28th 2020 - Saxon Shore Marathon postponed until December 28th 2021.
December 31st 2020 - Unicorn Challenge postponed until October 2nd 2021.
Update 27th November 2020
Following the end of the November lockdown Kent is in Tier 3. Fortunately the new guidelines do allow for us holding small events. Therefore the Saxon Shore Seaside Series is going ahead as planned at Betteshanger. We'll confirm about the events being planned for Cyclopark as soon as we are made aware if they'll be open for us to hold the events.
Update 5th November 2020
Saxon Shore Seaside Series 2020
The current lockdown period is due to end in the middle of this series which does rather pose some logistical issues, not least being the uncertainty currently if that December 2nd date is set in stone or not. As a consequence of this Samphire Hoe are unable to confirm anything. Therefore we have taken the decision to move the series to Betteshanger and move it back a week. We then will host a series of 8 events from December 4th and our good friends at Runbelieveable will have their two events at the end as previously planned to make up the series up to 10!
This is what is happening.
If you are in for all 10 events and
1) You can make the new dates then you need to do nothing and we'll swap you over to the series December 4th - December 13th at Betteshanger (we'll sort out the Runbelievable entries for you)
2) If you can make these dates and are already signed up for either or both of the Runbelievable dates then let us know and we'll give a you race credit(s) for those.
3) If you can't make these dates then please let us know and we'll swap you over to the 2021 series (be 26 November 2021 - 5 December 2021 at Samphire Hoe) or you can swap out for credits to use at events through the remainder of 2020 and in to 2021.
If you are signed up for individual events.
If you are signed up for Unusual Suspects (4th December), Roald Dahl (5th December) or Cone of Doom (6th December) then these will be as planned, but at Betteshanger, you're good to go, nothing you need to do aside rock up at Betteshanger instead of Samphire Hoe.
Black Knight Challenge - Was Friday November 27th - now Friday 11th December.
St Andrews Challenge - Was Monday 30th November - now Monday 7th December
Advent Challenge - Was Tuesday 1st December - now Tuesday 8th December
Caucus Wonderland Challenge - Was Wed 2nd December - now Wed 9th December
Music Legends Lucky Dip - Was Thur 3rd December - now Thur 10th December
The default situation for these events is that we've moved your place over to the revised date, if you can make the new date you need to do nothing and we'll see you at Betteshanger. If you can't make the date then feel free to swap to any other of the 8 days at Betteshanger (and if you want the same medal then let us know as that will be fine) or you can swap out for a credit of course.
If you are in for Fudgeathon (28th November) or Bobble Hobble (29th November) then the default position is that the places have been rolled over to 2021 (27th November 2021 and 28th November 2021 respectively) - however- if you can make any of the 8 days of the revised SVN dates at Betteshanger (December 4th - December 11th), then let us know and you can earn your Fudgeathon or Bobble Hobble medals (and hats) on one of those 8 days, just let us know which dates.
Due to the general fiddling, faffing and swapping this will all entail, we'll abandon the chocolate Advent Calender concept for Advent and just have the regular goody bags, likewise for Fudgeathon, it's all a right pickle!
In all cases you can run the events as Virtual Runs if you prefer. Additionally you can always swap for race credits to use at a future date.
Any worries then please let us know BY EMAIL and we'll endevour to sort you out. Nobody is going to lose out, so no compulsory virtual runs or anything like that, worst case scenario is credit(s) and fingers crossed for an easier 2021!
Update - 2nd November 2020
Following the announcement of a lockdown in England through November 2020 we're going to have to reschedule the following planned events to 2021. All entries have automatically been transferred to the new event date, you don't need to do anything. (If you prefer you are free to swap places to alternative events if you wish)
November 11th 2020 Armistice Day postponed until November 11th 2021.
November 14th 2020 Autumn Ranscombe postponed until November 20th 2021.
November 15th 2020 Ranscombe Lucky Dip postponed until November 21st 2021.
November 21st 2020 Northampton Cakeathon postponed until November 13th 2021
November 22nd 2020 Northampton Chocathon postponed until November 14th 2021
We'll make an announcement about the Saxon Shore Seaside Series from November 27th - December 6th in the next couple of days once we've been able to discuss things with the venue. It certainly won't be as planned unfortunately.
Rescheduled Events
March 28th 2020 Totally Nuts Nutty Run postponed until March 27th 2021
March 29th 2020 Crispathon postponed until March 28th 2021
April 10th 2020 Northampton Cakeathon postponed until November 21st 2020
April 11th 2020 Northampton Chocathon postponed until November 22nd 2020
April 18th 2020 Kent 50 postponed until April 17th 2021
April 23rd 2020 St Georges Day Marathon postponed until April 23rd 2021
April 24th 2020 Darnley Challenge postponed until May 29th 2021
April 25th 2020 Unicorn Challenge postponed until December 31st 2020
April 26th 2020 Reject Run postponed until April 25th 2021 (moved to Ranscombe)
May 2nd 2020 Spring Ranscombe postponed to April 24th 2021
May 3rd 2020 Random Ranscombe postponed until April 25th 2021 (merged with Reject Run)
May 8th 2020 VE Day Challenge postponed until May 8th 2021
May 9th 2020 Very British Challenge postponed until May 9th 2021
May 10th 2020 Relativity Run postponed until May 30th 2021
May 23rd 2020 Olympic Run postponed until May 1st 2021
May 24th 2020 Charity Challenge postponed until May 2nd 2021
May 25th 2020 Lucky Dip postponed until May 3rd 2021
May 30th Viking 100 postponed until May 22nd 2021
June 27th 2020 Summer Ranscombe postponed to June 26th 2021
June 28th 2020 Teddy Bears Picnic postponed until June 27th 2021
Rest assured that any events that we have to postpone will be rearranged and entries rolled over to that new event date, if that doesn't work for folk then we'll allow transfers to other SVN events or hold race credits until they're able to be used.